Room size: 23.0㎡
Num of rooms: 70
Bed size: 2 beds, W 110 cm × L 200 cm
Basic rate: Single occupancy ¥44,200
Double occupancy ¥47,700
Credit card: VISA,Mastercard,JCB,AMEX,
Diners Club,China Union Pay,Shinhan card,
Digital money: Apple Pay,iD,QUICPay,PiTaPa,
Rakuten Edy,WAON,nanaco,ICOCA,Suica,
HAYAKAKEN,Visa payWave,MasterCard®contactless,
WeChatPay,Alipay,American Express Contactless
The room rates shown above include taxes.
No service charge is requested.
Compact yet cozy guests rooms, which are designed for the high quality of sleep,
are featured with rain shower, massage chair, and our brand mattress.
All guest rooms are non smoking. A smoking booth is located in the Lobby.