Privacy Policy

Hankyu Hanshin Hotels Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, the “Company”) may acquire and use your personal information in order to provide you with better services. In accordance with the following privacy policy we have established and in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws and guidelines relating to personal information protection, we will responsibly protect your personal information we acquire.

1. Personal information to be acquired
In order to achieve the purposes of use set out in the following paragraph, the Company will acquire your personal information listed below through appropriate and fair means.

 (1) Your name, date of birth, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, and other identity information, contact information, payment information, etc.
 (2) Information on service use, such as usage status or application methods of facilities for accommodation, banquets, dining, etc.
 (3) Information on Members Club members and use of applicable services, and customer numbers, credit card information, service usage records, etc. of Members Club members
 (4) Content of inquiries and opinions submitted to the Company, information contained in communications with you, content of inquiries, requests, and opinions, etc.
 (5) Information on how you use the Company’s website, including IT/system data, cookies, and activity logs on the website

2. Purpose of use
The Company will use your personal information for the following purposes. We will not use your personal information in a manner that is likely to encourage or induce illegal or improper acts, even if such use is within the scope of the intended purpose.

 (1) To provide the Company’s services (provision/sale of accommodation, banquets, restaurants, or other incidental products, implementation of events, etc.)
 (2) To conduct analysis for the provision/improvement of this website or the Company’s services or products
 (3) To notify or send information regarding the Company’s business, advertisements, questionnaires, etc.
 (4) To provide information or make confirmation regarding shipment, payment or settlement of products, or other transactions
 (5) To contact you for any reason, such as to confirm your reservation or usage status
 (6) To provide various kinds of information regarding membership in the Hankyu-Hanshin-Daiichi Hotel Group Members’ Club Card, to manage member information, or to provide members with services
 (7) To carry out other operations incidental or related to the above purposes of use

3. Ensuring security
The Company will take necessary and appropriate measures for security control to prevent unauthorized access to personal information and the loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information.

4. Supervision of entrusted parties
When entrusting the handling of personal information to third parties, the Company will properly manage and supervise the entrusted parties, including entering into an agreement regarding the handling of personal information, to ensure that security measures to protect personal information are taken by the entrusted parties.

5. Ensuring accuracy of personal information
The Company will endeavor to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use and to erase such information without delay when it is no longer necessary to use it.

6. Provision/disclosure to a third party
Except as required by law, the Company will not disclose or provide personal information to any third party without your consent.

7. Requests regarding the handling of personal information
Upon receiving a request from you for disclosure, correction, deletion, addition, suspension of use, or erasure of your personal information that the Company has acquired or holds, the Company will respond appropriately after verifying that you are the person making the request.

8. Continuous improvement
The Company will conduct regular audits and continually review and improve its internal regulations and systems to ensure that personal information is protected appropriately.

Contact information
<Inquiries regarding members of the Hankyu-Hanshin-Daiichi Hotel Group Members’ Club Card>
Hankyu-Hanshin-Daiichi Hotel Group Members’ Club Administration Office
1-8-1 Shibata, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0012
TEL: 0120-89-8415 (10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays)

<Inquiries regarding the handling of personal information>
General Affairs Department, Hankyu Hanshin Hotels Co., Ltd.
1-1-35 Shibata, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8310
TEL: 06-6372-5231

(Business operator handling personal information)
Hankyu Hanshin Hotels Co., Ltd.
1-1-35 Shibata, Kita-ku, Osaka
Hidetoshi Koizumi, President and Representative Director

Handling of information on your accessing of the website

[Collection of access information through the use of cookies and web beacons]

This website uses technologies called cookies*1 and web beacons*2 to acquire information on your usage status of the websites (including information on accessing this website and websites related to the Group’s hotels). Any information acquired through these technologies is used to identify your browser, not to identify any specific individual customer.

*1 Cookies are a technology that stores information that identifies the browsers of customers who visit the website on their computer devices, etc. (including mobile terminals, tablets, and other devices) to make it more convenient for the customers to use and view the Company’s website when they visit it again.
*2 Web beacons are a technology that works in conjunction with cookies to enable us to collect access information from customers’ browsers and to determine whether or not the customers have visited this website, the number of times they have visited, their browsing history, etc.

[Purpose of use of access information]
The Company will not use information on your accessing of this website for any purpose other than those listed below.

1. To statistically analyze access information and use the results to improve the website's convenience or contents
2. To identify the causes of any problems or failures that occur on a web server
3. To optimize and display the menus, functions, and contents of this website for each customer
4. To display the usage history, entered information, and other data sent and received between the browser and server when you use this website, the next time you use the website
5. To conduct market analysis utilizing demographic attributes in a form that does not identify individuals by combining information on accessing this website with access information held by other companies, or to conduct sales promotion activities based on such market analysis
6. To deliver advertisements* tailored to your interests based on information on accessing this website

* The Company may provide information on accessing this website to its advertisement delivery service contractors. However, this information does not include any information that could identify any specific individual, such as an address, name, date of birth, or telephone number.
* To stop displaying (opt out of) advertisements, you can access the opt-out page on the website of the relevant advertisement delivery service provider to stop the use of cookie information and other data by said service provider for advertisement delivery.