
Room Size27.2m²
Bed Size2 beds, W 110 cm × L 195 cm / 2 beds, W 98 cm × L 195 cm
Room Price

For 4 persons ¥57,270


* The above rates include consumption tax, service charge, and accommodation tax.

* Room images and floor plans are for illustrative purposes only. Actual layouts and sizes may vary.


Items available in the front lobby area

  • 歯ブラシToothbrush
  • ヘアブラシHairbrush
  • カミソリRazor
  • ティーバッグ・スティックコーヒーTea set /coffee

Items available in guest rooms

  • シャンプー・リンスShampoo
  • ボディーソープ・ハンドソープBody soap
    Hand soap
  • タオル類Towels
  • ナイトウェアNightwear
  • スリッパSlipper
  • ミネラルウォーターMineral water

* As part of our dynamic efforts to promote the SDGs and reduce single-use items, we have made changes to the availability of some items in the guest rooms at all of our directly managed hotels. Thank you for joining us in our efforts to further reduce plastic waste by bringing your own toothbrush, hairbrush and other personal favorites with you when you stay with us.

Room Facilities

  • VOD(ビデオ・オン・デマンド)Video on demand
  • 有線LANLAN
  • Wi-Fi接続Wi-Fi connection
  • 携帯電話充電器Mobile phone
  • 冷蔵庫Refrigerator
  • 空気清浄機Air purifier
  • 温水洗浄トイレWarm water
    bidet toilet
  • ドライヤーHairdryer
  • 電気ポットElectric kettle
  • ハンガーHanger
  • 消臭スプレーDeodorant spray

Rental Items

  • 加湿器Humidifier
  • 電気スタンドDesk light
  • 毛布Blanket
  • ズボンプレッサーTrouser Presser
  • アイロン・台Iron
    Ironing board

* There are limited numbers, so please kindly understand in advance.


  • ランドリーサービス

    Laundry service

    Any laundry received by 9:00 a.m.
    will be finished by 5:00 p.m. the same day.

    * Charge

  • 宅配便

    Delivery Service

    Packages/luggage addressed to a guest
    will be kepty at the Cloak Counter

    * Charge

  • モーニングコール

    Morning Call

    You can set it from the phone in the room.

    * Free


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Hotel new Hankyu Osaka
1-1-35 Shibata,Kita-ku,Osaka
ZIP Code 530-8310
Contact Us
Quality hospitality with unusual convenient and comfortable
The best location hotel right next to JR Osaka Station and Hankyu/Subway Umeda Station.
As an “Urban Community Hotel” with ideal guest rooms for both business and leisure, a wide variety of restaurants and bars, and ornate banquet halls, we’re always here to answer your requests.