Plan of action based on the theme
We strive toward a diverse corporate culture that takes advantage of individual differences, while nurturing future generations.
Creating suitable work environments

Promotion of health and productivity management (Certified as a Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization in 2024)
The company promotes health management based on the idea that the physical and mental health of employees and their families is the source of happiness and the foundation of a prosperous future for the company. In order to create a working environment where every individual employee can work energetically, the company is working to pay for or subsidize the cost of medical examinations, and implement support programs, by setting five key issues to be addressed: measures against smoking, measures against infectious diseases, prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, prevention of diseases peculiar to women, and mental health measures.
Harassment consultation
To promote awareness and understanding of harassment issues, regular training sessions are conducted. Additionally, a special point of contact and systems to deal with harassment cases have been established.
Acknowledging good actions and performance
Once every half year, in line with our corporate philosophy, employees who have achieved excellent results or showed exceptional behavior are publicly acknowledged and awarded for their good actions. They receive prize money and a certificate from the company president in person, and are invited to a tea party for all specially recognized employees. From FY2023, the company will create a new SDGs award system and work to achieve Goal 8, “Decent Work and Economic Growth.” By setting up various award systems,the company as a whole gives such praise in order to boost motivation and morale.
2023 SDGs Award: Excellence Award
We recognized their initiative in upcycling leftover baguette scraps from banquets into chocolate scones, which helped reduce food waste and CO2 emissions generated upon disposal. (Dai-ichi Hotel Tokyo)
Personnel training
By focusing on specializations such as sommelier and bartender, language training, or overseas assignment, we nurture professional hotel business experts. We furthermore provide training in fields such as marketing and management strategy to develop hotel management professionals. Already catering to a complete variety of individuals and career plans, we also offer aid systems to help cover the cost of other personal training and education in order to stimulate self-development.